Now that the weather in Atlanta has cooled off a lil', grilling out seems perfect. I decided to make some steaks last minute and found a really simple recipe. It basically only uses 6 ingredients and half of them, you probably already have in the pantry. You can use grape or cherry tomatoes and I would use more scallions, too. The recipe said to grill the steaks for 3-4 minutes each side, but it depends on the thickness of your steak. You might need to just do 2 minutes, b/c mine was a little overdone for my liking. Grilling is all about timing and technique and I'm still new, so....
Anyhow, I paired it with some sauteed gai lan and some corn-on-the-cob with Vietnamese sauce. Will post that recipe soon. This main dish should be easily accompanied by any vegetable you can grill, though. So, grill away! Just don't overcook the steak...ugh!